Title: La Mia Mamma
Number: 6
Mixed technique on canvas
Size: cm 40 x 50 x 3,5
Mde in 2009
Designed and signed by the artist
Made in Italy
Unique piece
Private collection
To my beloved Mummy,
feminine and fresh
as a perfumed rose of May,
a nuanced rose,
whose petals represent
the different aspects of personality:
as petals, the sides of one’s charatcter
sometimes seem to be opposing,
indeed they’re part of a single whole.
My Rose is always lit
by an intense and clear Light coming from the Above,
a Light that, as the hot summer sun,
leads and comforts her.
To my special Mummy,
transparent and deep as July sea,
that, with its delicate and intense perfume
and the sweet melody of its waves’ swish
raises a unique appeal
and attracts as a magnet anybody loves it,
being unequivocal source
of transparency, pureness
and at the same time intensity and wisdom.
To you, always my example of Life.
Stefania Zanutta